We are specialized in the design and production of special Load Cells: Traction, Compression, Flexural, Cut, Torsional, with double Full Scale, for Platforms, rollers ends and others of more common use.
In addition, we project and realize mono and multi axial Load Cells for direct measuring of loads, forces, cuts, and torques in various combination, in function of our Costumers specific needs. Common characteristics include:
accuracy around 1/1,000 of Full Scale, or better
Full Scale ranging from a few grams to hundreds of tons
Calibration with our automatic Test Benches
supplied with our Calibration Document
Characterized by minimal size and often crytical working conditions, we pay much attention to the Load Cells precision and reliability. In our experience, we can state that our Load Cells maintain functionalities and precision even after decades of intensive use.
In the following, we list some examples of Load Cells we produce:
Load Cells to perform measurements under sea water, up to 2,500 m
This family of Load Cells, allows to perform extremely accurate load measurements, even very low ones, on mechanical components operating on sea beds, which are environments characterized by high pressure and salinity.
This Load Cell signals are not affected by pressure acting from the outside (that is equivalent to 250 bar at 2,500 meters of depth). Constant sensitivity is preserved and zero-value variation is negligible from the sea bed up to the sea surface.
Considering the Load Cell shown in the picture, load is applied through the central hole and the signal is transmitted ‐ already amplified ‐ through the lateral waterproof connectors.
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Off Point Load Cells
Extremely compact and accurate, this family of Load Cells performs load measurements exerted along a cantilevered bar, independently of the distance of the load from the Load Cell. That is, load can be applied at any point along the bar without incurring in any significat accuracy variation.
Following this principle, we realize Load Cells preserving accuracy for cantilevered loads from 0 to 4 meters in length.
An application for an Off Point Load CellLoad Cell for dynamic weighing
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Multi axial Load Cells
Bi- and tri-axial, these Load Cells are designed for automotive and aerospace applications. Their small sizes ease the install in a wide range of applications.
Realized in aluminum alloy or steel, they are studied to be intensively used in dusty environments.
The precision is usually grater than 0,1 %, with at most 1 % of cross-talk.
Bi-axial Load Cell with circular sectionLoad Cell for simultaneous measures along three orthogonal directions ‐ X and Y axes lay on the upper surface, while Z axis is orthogonal (230 diameter, 90 mm height)
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Load Cells of more common use
We produce a wide variety of Load Cells of quite different geometry and Full Scale. In the following, we list the main types:
Load Cell with two Full ScalesFlexural Load CellLoad Cell for rollsAnular Membrane Load CellCut Load CellTubular Cut Load CellTorsional Load Cell to measure very low loads (10 Ncm)