We instrument Your mechanical components

We own advanced and patented technology for Estensimetric Instrumentation of mechanical components. Often, we instrument on the basis of Costumer specific needs. We are solidly experienced in the Estensimetric Instrumentation and our most qualifying realizations include:
- instrumentation of existing mechanical components
- inside blind holes of small diameter
- in harsh operative environments, such those with variations in temperature, pressure, and salinity
In the following, we categorize our products as:
- Special Load Cells for a wide range of different application contexts
- Multi axial Measurement Platforms, composed of complex systems of Load Cells
- Multi axial Measurement Groups, that is systems in which more functions are integrated
In respect of the numerous Undisclosure Agreements we signed, we do not show You the many mechanical components (such as hubs, rotors, automotive components, and many others) that we regularly instrument. Nonetheless, it must be stressed that we have been working in several different contexts for a long time, often extremely competitive.